Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Registration Final Chaper

After accomplishing half of your registration process, you need to do these things before you can get your student card. 
  • For students who have prior knowledge in Mandarin, you need to take an assessment test after the accomplishing the paper works. The Room number where you should go to take the exam and the date/time will be indicated in your schedule. The assessment result will actually depend on you. Even if you have background in Mandarin, and your results state that you can go to upper levels, you may still opt to enrol in the lower levels. In fact, you can transfer to higher- or lower-level class within the first two weeks of the semester.
  • Medical Exam
  • Visa Extension/Application forResidence Permit
  • Orientation
  • Claiming of Student Card
Here is what the schedule of activities looks like:

Even if some of these activities are not yet completed, you will already be issued your class schedule and you may already attend your class.