Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Scholarship Allowance

Chinese government scholarship students (CSC scholarship students) receive different amount.
·               Undergraduate student and language student: 1400 Yuan (RMB);
·               Master candidate and ordinary student of advanced study: 1,700 Yuan (RMB);
·               PhD candidate and senior student of advanced study: 2,000 Yuan (RMB).

Your first monthly allowance will be given to you in cash during the registration process. But the succeeding monthly allowance will be deposited to your ICBC account. Usually the allowance is available by the 30th of the month or first few days of the following month. So you just have to constantly check with the ATM machine from time to time.

Few weeks after the start of the class, before the end of current month, the Office responsible for scholarship students (Rm2, 2nd floor of Run Run Shaw Building) will announce a schedule for ICBC allowance card application. Usually, it runs for 2 consecutive days. It’s better if you get your allowance card or ICBC ATM card during the scheduled period because you will freak out if you don’t.

My experience

The schedule of the ICBC card application was September 21 and 22. However, I was not able to read the notice posted in the bulletin board of my College Office. On September 23, I went to my College Office to ask if I can still transfer class. By accident, I read about the schedule of ICBC card application for scholarship students. The personnel in my College told me to go to Run Run Shaw Rm2, 2nd Floor, as this is the office responsible for scholarship concerns.

I went there, I asked the officer there (I don’t know her name but she is also the person who will sign your paper for the release of your settlement allowance and first month allowance. She speaks perfect English however she is not very helpful and accommodating). I told her I was not able to process my ICBC card during the scheduled time and asked her what I should do. I told her I was not aware of the announcement. She told me that was impossible because they posted it in the college offices and in dorms and even sent a text message for everyone. Well, the college office is far from my classroom and dorm and students only go there if they need something. Second, I checked my dorm announcement board, and there was no announcement about this. Lastly, I didn’t receive any message. I told her I didn’t receive any messages.

She told me, “Well then, you can apply for ICBC card next month and you won’t receive your allowance for next month. Probably after next month you can have your allowance.” I was stunned when she told me that. I panicked. I told her that I do not have money and I am only relying on the allowance. She said, “It’s impossible you do not have money. You were given your settlement allowance.” I explained to her that I needed to pay the physical exam (400RMB), the visa extension (460RMB), deposit for dorm room key (50RMB), student card (50RMB). The settlement allowance is only 1500RMB.

She suggested I can make the cut-off for processing of the October allowance if I open an account with ICBC within the week (it was already Friday then) but I need my passport; copies are not allowed. Earlier that day, I processed my visa extension and submitted by passport to the travel agency. She said, “There’s nothing we can do. You will just have to wait and next month you won’t have allowance.” That’s how “un-accommodating” she is. She doesn’t care whether you starve because you don’t have your monthly allowance.

With desperation, I went to the visa extension office and asked if I can borrow my passport. Luckily, they haven’t transported the passports yet and they were kind enough to let me borrow my passport. Thus, I went to the ICBC and opened an account, got my ATM card, and went back to Rm2, 2nd Floor of Run Run Shaw Building. I handed a copy of my account registration and I got my October allowance on time. The Officer was surprised that I was able to borrow my passport from the visa extension office. :)

In case you will experience my experience, the ICBC (the bank) is located in the ground floor of the building beside the library. Here's a map (the one with the white, square highlight):

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